Friday, January 29, 2010


Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.

I feel like I have had this on repeat a lot lately.  Luckily, I have found it successful in bringing me down off the ledge.  Thankfully...

Breathing in, I calm my body.

Breathing out, I smile.

I have learned a lot about myself this month. Some good and some bad.

I will always have people in my life that are filled with negativity.  I can control this to an extent but not fully.  With this in mind, I now know that I can fully control how I react to them.  I will say that this is my biggest achievement of this month.  And I was tested... a lot.  I was able to stay mindful and centered through out all that was thrown at me.  More like slung, really hard.  I did this with the practice of a lot of breathing.  Breathing is underrated.  Breathing is good.

My body is much stronger than it was at the beginning of this month.  With the help of yoga, pilates, supplements, drinking more water, getting more sleep, etc.  I just feel lighter all over.  I had originally felt this way when I took gluten out of my diet back in September but the feeling eventually went away.  It is an amazing feeling that I am hoping to sustain. 

I am slowly getting rid of the JUNK in the house and attempting to simplify my surroundings.  B should be on an episode of  "Hoarders".  I wonder if you can get someone on "Intervention" with only a shopping addiction.  I am going to work on a cross over episode.  I am just playing.  I love him dearly.  But when he is out of town (a lot) next month, I plan on purging.  I really hope he doesn't read this...

I would say that my biggest "flaw" is that I am extremely habitual.  The ritual or consistency of doing something is harder for me to break than the act itself.  If that makes sense.  One habit that I have had for the past few years is that once the child goes to bed, I enjoy 2 cocktails.  They are not stiff cocktails.  Just a splash.  This is something I thoroughly enjoy.  I sit down in front of the TV or read a book and I have 2 drinks (never more).  Nightly.  In the beginning of this process, all fired up, I did pretty well breaking up this habit.  But it has been very difficult to break altogether.  And even though this is something I enjoy, the habit of it scares me a bit.  I have never been that crazy party girl or some binge drinker.  I DID have one night in high school that left me walking home in the middle of the night holding a bottle of Southern Comfort in one hand and 1 shoe in the other.  After that, I actually didn't drink at all again until I was 22.  Since then I feel like I have been a very responsible drinker albeit a consistent one.  I KNOW that this is a habit I need to break.  But I haven't.  But I am aware and I am working on it.  I still feel that I kind of failed in regards to this portion of my resolutions.  That feeling kind of stinks...

Mrs. Brightside

I picked negativity as my Detox goal for this month, and it couldn’t have been a more perfect or timely choice. I haven’t had as much time as I would like to devote to the Blog this month because of health issues with son and my mother, which have left me somewhat overwhelmed and far more ready to bitch and whine than usual. I’ve made every effort to be positive, not only with what I present to others but with my own thoughts and outlook. I read “A Complaint Free World” and have been moving the rubber band from one wrist to another every time I get to urge to throw out something negative and also when I let my mind wander in the wrong direction. Let's just say the latter happens more than I care to admit. I removed myself from a long standing relationship because it was making me miserable, and was so surprised to realize, in the end, I don’t miss that person at all and how much less negativity I feel because of this. I am truly counting my blessings right now, and as dear Ashley reminded me yesterday…I need to let go of the “what if's”, because I can't change anything that has happened, I can only change the outcome.

buh bye January.....Hello February

I love diet coke. And I love wine. That being said...This month for the theme Detox, I chose to give my liver and body a break from Alcohol and Caffeine.
I thought about Diet Coke alot at first – the building I work in provides FREE SODA. But I didn’t drink it. Instead I took up Seltzer and take it upon myself to make decaf coffee in the morning.
I thought about swinging by the liquor store every night and picking up a bottle of wine. But I didn’t. Instead of having a drink every night…I chose to wait and drink on special occasions.
Why didn't I? Because of this blog and each and everyone of you on here. I felt like I could let myself down, who would know? But I couldn't let you all down! I was accountable. I focused on NOT DOING it and you know what? I feel better! I don't feel run down or hungover! I feel like I get more done at work and now having a drink on special occasions is fun and something to look forward to...some things I learned about myself this month:

1. Seltzer is good
2. I don’t like decaf diet coke :-(
3. Watching TV without wine is just as pleasurable as watching it with a bottle.

I am looking forward to February - love. It can mean so many different things and can be displayed in so many different ways. I know what my goal will be and can't wait to share it!


As I was setting up my laptop this morning, I was thinking about the progress that I have made this month to rid myself of this "notion of failure". I have made an effort to stay positive, patient and optimistic about my present and future. I was getting into the mood to be profound, when a Good Morning America's news story in the back ground caught my ear, "For Women Who Want Kids, 'the Sooner the Better': 90 Percent of Eggs Gone By Age 30
Egg Loss Measured for First Time Shows Long Odds for Conception as Women Hit 40." .........FLIPPIN" FANTASTIC....UGHHHHH! Maybe inspiration will hit me again before Feb. 1st.
I certainly haven't blogged as much as I had hoped to over the past few weeks, but I am hoping that February's topic of "Love" will be much easier to complain/think/dream about.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Conclusion...

This blog is perfect. Why? Because I’m ready for a new topic – ha. Not that I’m ready to quit watching what I eat but I think I’m aware now – I’ve said it out loud and I’m listening to my body. I never shared the fact that with the birth of my daughter last October I gave up dairy b/c she needed me to. I’ve always had a bit of a lactose problem but never addressed it and I do feel better. I had also been toying with the idea of become g-free. I couldn’t do both right away so I’ve stopped dairy, for the most part (I cook with butter), but gluten will be next and maybe dairy will come back into my diet in small doses – or for NYC visits that include pizza Lactaid will be my friend. I hope what people get from my smaller challenges is that every little bit helps.

The most important lesson here has been awareness – take a minute every Sunday or Monday or the beginning of the day and think about what you and your family will be eating. I feel like they are my responsibility so now that I’ve started with me I am prepared to keep it up for them.

Here are some of the best things I’ve learned this month:

Spinach and brussel sprouts are my new fave veggies.

Pistachios are the low fat nut and delicious.

The Magic Bullet (personal blender) does NOT work – don’t buy it.

Watch your fingers when using a mandolin slicer - ouch.


I tivo Oprah everyday just in case she has something really great that I need to see. Well last night even my husband wanted to watch because she did her show with the guy who did Food Inc. We still haven't seen it, but it's coming up on Netflix. We were eating dinner while we watched and both literally put the fork down, jaws dropped when they started talking about the chickens. Shocking. D and I have tried to be very conscious about the food we eat, and I think we do pretty well, but after watching last night, I know we can do better. The most profound thing he talked about was how as the price of food has dropped, the price of health care has risen. The last part of the show was devoted to interviewing Alicia Silverstone about her new book, The Kind Diet. I am definitely going to get the book and try some of the recipes. Going vegan seems very out of reach, but I'm open to hearing more and her whole message seemed very approachable, and the food looked great! Has anyone tried it?

Water Water Everywhere

As Jan comes to an end I thought I'd catch you up on my Dailey Method progress. Welp--I didn't do as well as I hoped. I went back to the gym and started running again. I realized I really am not a group class person. I have 2 small children and busy days. This hour is my time & I really value it. I like my running time & truly appreciate the q-u-i-e-t. The Dailey Method was challenging and a beautiful studio but, it wasn't for me. I'm glad I tried it but, am sticking with my gym.

On a side note I schedule my annual and my physical in the month of January. I do it this way so I never forget and I get the year off to a healthy start. I also hit my dentist & dermatologist (who I see more than once a year). This month I also really thought about flushing my system in a healthy way and bumped up my water intake. I am going to stick with this resolution all year.

I think we are all off to a healthy 2010! Keep up the great work everyone! xox MBM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A friend emailed this to me today, it's long but worth sharing:


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Make time to pray or meditate.
6. Play more games
7. Read more books than you did in 2009.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.

Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't overdo. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past.

That will ruin your present happiness.

19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Get your daily fruits and veggies with JuicePlus

For those of you who are trying to eat well and better for yourself and your family, I thought you might be interested in JuicePlus. My step mom became a distributor several years ago and pretty much everyone we know here takes it. It's whole foods based concentrates of over 17 fruits and vegetables and grains in a capsule. It's not a multi-vitamin, it's the actual food in a capsule. I take JuicePlus garden and orchard blends even though I'm a vegetarian because it's really hard sometimes to eat enough in a day to get the full amount you really need. My son even loves his little JuicePlus gummies (that contain no high fructose corn syrup).
JuicePlus is not a substitute for eating a large variety of fruits and vegetable, but it may be the next best thing.
If you have kids who are 4 years and older and you order the capsules for yourself, then you get the kids chewables for free. If you are interested, click the link at the top, or you can contact my step mom directly: Kathy Moore 615-301-1602.

(to get the free chewables you need to call Kathy, otherwise you may order directly through the store website).

xoxo Shelly

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Derailed by a Bacon Doughnut

Two whirlwind weeks in a row!

I just returned from a very romantic train trip from Seattle to Los Angeles.  I flew in to Seattle with my boyfriend and flew out of Los Angeles with my fiance.  Whoo hoo choo choo!  However, during my celebrations I have lost sight of pretty much everything I have been working on this month.  I am getting back on track as of today. 

Also, congratulations to Shelly for finishing her Master Cleanse.  I really don't think I could do it although I would like to try.  It has been a hard enough battle trying to give up my nightcap every night, so to give up not only that but also food for almost 2 weeks is beyond impressive.   

Alright, time to head back to my center...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Detox Addition

I’ll start by saying my junk food detox has been pretty good. I’m preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner at home and taking healthy snacks in the car. It may not seem like much of a challenge to some but in the world I live in it’s very hard. So I’m proud. But today I added on a new detoxification – cupping. I started acupuncture when I was pregnant this past summer. It worked like magic and it actually even made me a happier person. I think a lot of my grouchiness is from feeling like crap. So since the birth I haven’t been going and I am a mess! So all this detox talk inspired me to get back to it and today I went and discovered cupping. If you have a large area of pain – low back, mid back, neck – it can be a more affective treatment than the needles. Glass cups were placed all over my back and suctioned tight – this pulled blood to the area and released toxins in the underlying tissue. The relief was felt immediately following the release of the cups and I totally recommend trying it! He followed it with needles in the areas where the cups could not reach – base of the skull, feet, joints – but overall I feel great. I know I’m going to be achy too but it’s all part of the healing process. Beyond the typical strain I put on my back with my children, I also hold so much of my stress and anxiety in my neck, shoulders and back. I’ve tried therapy, chiropractors and drugs and really nothing compares to my weekly acupuncture sessions and of course today’s introduction to cupping.

Unhealthy habits are what's killing us

My Aunt, who was a nurse, sent me this very interesting article, CNN: Unhealthy habits are what's killing us . I think it is a good point that we hear all to often in our society, we eat too much, don't get enough exercise, have bad habits, ect. And as the article mentions, we also value our freedom to make these choices as a society. So in the spirit of all of us making changes, its nice to think we might reach a day soon where we look at making changes as a society. Here is to good health!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Shelly's Master Cleanse success! and The First Supper

I have officially completed my Master Cleanser and I feel terrific! Day 9 was not my friend, I was very moody and felt like I was unable to move because I didn't have the energy and I just wanted to walk into the kitchen and quit. Day 10 I made myself leave the house with family in tow and went shopping. We even took Will to a restaurant he likes and my parents came to meet us for lunch as I sat drinking my lemonade while everyone else ate. It was ok though, because I knew the end was near and I would complete my goal. All in all I lost about 8 lbs and I have a huge burst of energy today. I feel clear headed and refreshed. My husband isn't so happy about the weight loss and would have demanded I stop today. I am 5'9" and weighed in at 116.4 this morning. I usually hang around 124 comfortably. I am so excited about eating this week, I have no doubts my weight will increase rather shortly.
Today I went grocery shopping to create my first meal, which I was technically supposed to eat tomorrow, but once I started making the soup (recipe below) I couldn't help but eat some of the broth for dinner. I snuck in a few vegetables too. I hope my digestion can handle it (fingers crossed).
The recipe I found on via Bon Appetite and it is by far the best Vegetable soup I have ever had. Granted, I haven't eaten in 10 days and most anything would have tasted amazing, but my husband concurs and my son liked the broth and carrots, although he's not so into kale. The vegetables are all roasted and give it the most delicious flavor. It's a great winter soup. I doubled the recipe to freeze half, and switched the Great Northern Beans to my all time favorite Cannellini, but otherwise I followed the directions below exactly as written. I also roasted the seeds from the butternut squash separately as a tasty topping for the soup or later snack.

Thanks to you all for your support these past couple weeks! I am so happy that I accomplished my Detox goal!

White Bean, Kale and Roasted Vegetable Soup
White Bean, Kale and Roasted Vegetable Soup
(photo by: Carrie Lloyd)

Many dark, leafy greens, like kale, contain calcium. The beans have it, too.

Yield: Makes 6 servings

Nonstick vegetable oil spray
3 medium carrots, peeled, quartered lengthwise
2 large tomatoes, quartered
1 large onion, cut into 8 wedges
1/2 small butternut squash, peeled, seeded, cut lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick wedges
6 garlic cloves, unpeeled
1 tablespoon olive oil

6 cups (or more) canned vegetable broth
4 cups finely chopped kale
3 large fresh thyme sprigs
1 bay leaf

1 15-ounce can Great Northern beans, drained

Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray rimmed baking sheet with oil spray. Arrange carrots, tomatoes, onion, squash and garlic on sheet. Drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Bake until vegetables are brown and tender, stirring occasionally, about 45 minutes.

Transfer carrots and squash to work surface. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces; set aside. Peel garlic cloves; place in processor. Add tomatoes and onion; puree until almost smooth. Pour 1/2 cup broth onto baking sheet; scrape up any browned bits. Transfer broth and vegetable puree to large pot. Add 5 1/2 cups broth, kale, thyme and bay leaf to pot; bring to boil. Reduce heat; simmer uncovered until kale is tender, about 30 minutes.

Add beans and reserved carrots and squash to soup. Simmer 8 minutes to blend flavors, adding more broth to thin soup if necessary. Season with salt and pepper. Discard thyme sprigs and bay leaf. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Bring to simmer before serving.)

nutritional informationPer serving: calories, 191; total fat, 4 g; saturated fat, 0.5 g; cholesterol, 0
Nutritional analysis provided by Self

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dailey Steps

I am finally chiming in on this detox topic. It took me a while to figure out what my detox would be. I believe in fueling my body with healthy food. I barely drink, I get plenty of rest. I drink lots of water. I am detoxing myself from my gym routine. It sounds weird but, it was a habit that was hard for me to break.

For the month of January I stopped my daily run & gym routine and joined The Dailey Method which is a combination of ballet, Pilates, core and yoga. The staff said I should see results by the end of the month. After the first class I certainly felt results! When I had my last physical, my MD suggested adding yoga to my overall fitness plan (cardio & weights). He said if I bend now, I won't break in the future.

My plan is to give the The Dailey Method a try 5 days a week for a month. So far so good. Happy New Year Everyone! xox MBM

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Shelly's cleanse day 9

Day 9 can bite me. I seriously don't know how I will continue tomorrow, but I will find the strength. This is harder than giving birth (though I had a pretty easy delivery).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Shelly's cleanse days 4-8

Right about now I could eat any and everything I see in my kitchen. A word to the wise, do not go to Whole Foods while on a cleanse or fast of any kind! I had to buy more lemons two days ago and there were so many good smells lurking on every isle. Even the olive oil dipping station had my attention. I am mostly craving breads and cheesy goods...a pizza would be heaven. But, I haven't had a single thing to eat and I plan to stick this thing out. I'm really not hungry, just fantasizing about eating. I've had a couple of days of headaches and find those are the days I skipped the SWF. I have gotten use to it. I hate to drink the salt water, but feel so much better after all those toxins are released. I also still feel pretty tired most of the time. I've napped almost every day. I've had a hard time drinking six full glasses each day and some days only drinking four. I'm sure I've lost some energy as a result.
I learned a little tidbit online last night that said the fuzzy, white coating on your tongue (gross I know) will turn pink again when your body is through detoxing. Mine turned whiteish on Day 2 and it's from toxins and yeast being released. I have a tongue scraper, but it's literally like shag carpeting in my mouth. If it's still white on Day 10, what do I do? So many people continue this diet for 14, 20, and up to 40 days. I don't think it's recommended for first-timers though. The more you do the cleanse the quicker your body responds in the future and I have no doubts that I will do this cleanse at least once a year, possibly twice. I have lost about 5 or lbs. . . nothing crazy. I had a rotary scale and bought a digital one mid-cleanse so I'm not sure exactly. The book says some people can lose up to two lbs. a day.
The next two days will be tough for sure. Even the two days following (the ease out days) are pretty tough as I'm only supposed to drink fresh orange juice on days 11 and 12 to get my system ready for digestion again and homemade veggie broth on day 13. I think I'm going to skip the second day of OJ and move to the soup with some fresh fruit.
Onward and upward! I'll check in again when I complete my challenge!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ode to a Detox

Kind of sums up how I have been feeling this month.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No Booze for You

I have to say, I love reading everyone’s posts and progress so far, very inspirational, props to the ladies in the house! What, what! On my front, skipping the red wine and other boozy drinks had been treating me well. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be (so far- tonight I will be craving the Cabernet as punishment for that statement) I am feeling slimmer, lighter and my rings are coming on and off much easier. I have more energy, tons of energy, which I think is a combination of better meals, no alcohol and my Yoga classes.

The downside to all this energy is my Insomnia has increased with a vengeance. I now remember why I drink the Pinot to wind down in the evening. I have had insomnia since childhood. Once the 40 hour work week started and the naps after class ended (ahh the glory days of youth) I finally went to get diagnosed and get some help. Most nights, I take a sleeping pill only when I am feeling particularly high energy and know I will have difficulty bringing myself down, this is usually only once or twice a week. Lately, I have been bouncing off the walls at 11pm with no end in sight, even with the sleeping pills. My boundless energy and my fiancés snoring is driving me to the guest bedroom, not good. It’s becoming a Catch 22 at this point, because sleep is very, very, important to me, but I am really committed to sticking this out over the next few weeks. I will try to be patient, take a deep breath, tell my fiancé to put on a damn BreatheRite and continue down this road to see where it takes me.

Editors note: I know I didn’t mention the detoxing of my house, mainly because there has not been much progress, but I have a few more weeks and am confident I will get there.

Running Away with the wind in my face....

My go-to "Jolt of Happiness" song. Thinking it is also a very fitting blog theme song.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Peace is Every Step

For the past hour, I have been pacing around my office thinking about what to write for my update post today.  Not really what to write, but how to begin explaining what has been going on this last week.  The past week has been this whirlwind of self-reflection and (hopefully) life changes, so forgive me now if this is a long post.  After reading everyone's January Detox Plan, I realized that when I posted my hopes for this month I wasn't being honest with myself and my plan was rather superficial.  Cutting down on my alcohol intake and hamburger consumption, albeit very important if I want to live a more healthy lifestyle, is not going to change the things that are really toxic in my life.

I saw parts of myself in everyone's plan for this month.  This is not surprising, as you are all very close to me and we all share the good (and the bad) things that bring us together.  I think the one that hit home the most was: Negativity.  For the past two years, I suffered from debilitating anxiety attacks that always hit when I was driving.  Not good when you have your loved ones in the car.  My skin would get really hot, my breathing would get very labored and then I would get close to fainting.  They always manifested when I had no option to exit (ie on a bridge or road construction) and no shoulder to pull over to, so basically I was stuck driving trying to overcome these attacks without killing anyone in the process.  Since they manifested under these certain circumstances, I assumed that maybe I had a fear of being enclosed or controlled that was just popping up late in life.  It took 2 years of self-diagnosing and treating before I realized that the cause was right in front of me and this was just my body's way of saying "HEY, WAKE THE HELL UP & GET OUT OR THIS STRESS IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!"  Once I realized the cause, the attacks went away.  Although, I have made changes in my life to deal with this cause, I have not fully nipped all the negativity brought on by it in the bud and it is effecting me still.  Not to the extent that it had been but it is still very toxic.  Last week, I realized that although I can't fully omit these people from my life and I certainly can't stop the negativity that is thrown at me on a daily basis by them, I CAN control how I let it effect ME.  In the end, they have NO control over me as much as they wish they could. One would think that this is so obvious, but it is very difficult to not let critisism and mean remarks hurt you.  So what can I do? 

I started by not only acknowledging it but letting these people know that they had no more control over my emotions.  I now am fully in control of how I let others actions effect me and I can feel the difference in my well being and over all state of mind.  I have been smiling more at people and having conversations with strangers that I normally would shrink away from.   The texts certainly haven't stopped but I have been practicing Conscious Breathing to work through the emotion instead of letting it take me over.  I am also working on controlling my own negative thoughts but for the most part I am pretty optimistic. 

My initial goals have definitely taken a back seat to the more important issues but they are still being acknowledge and worked on, manageably.  The drinking has cut down significantly but not been cut off but I will expound on that in another post.  Although, I am still working on it because it is a habit that isn't positive, I have realized that I need to focus on things that are really going to change my life.   I have changed my diet by taking out a large portion of processed foods and I didn't have one hamburger last week. Whoo hoo!  I have included supplements:  a multi vitamin, liquid cholorphyll and aloe vera juice.  I am still researching more supplements that will suit me and my lifestyle.  I have gone to yoga and pilates 3 times in the past week and feel stronger and more centered albeit still very sore.  I have begun reading Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh and I am implementing his teachings into my day to day.  I have quit reading the gossip blogs cold turkey.  And finally, I have started detoxing the house, which might need it more than I do.


Here Comes The Son

My first entry was sort of easy. I actually was excited and thought about it a lot. Now I think about it a lot but I get a little anxious. It’s powerful – it makes me feel accountable for my actions, and I’m not used to that. I started the process gung ho and prepared quick and healthy lunch items so that I wouldn’t snack or pop something in the microwave, and I haven’t. However, I ate McDonald’s - blah. Just fries like usual – it’s the only thing I can actually stomach from there but they are also quick, easy and addictive! I feel pathetic when others are just drinking lemonade and I can't even stay out of the drive through. I have to take change in (very) small steps.

I don’t feel so guilty about it on my behalf but it’s my son. When I decided on how I was going to choose to detox I think I copped out by not including him in that. Yes I said I hoped he would also benefit from this, and he has, but I cave to his sugar and junk desires waaaay too much. So when we were out all morning and I just wanted him to fall asleep in the car I got McDonald’s so he’d have lunch before his nap. Again it was just French fries but that might even be worse – the kid lives on fried potatoes! I'm in year two of mommyhood and it is soo trial and error but giving in has been a big error and now he's spoiled and every meal is a struggle.

So today I vow to try for the rest of this month to get him on that same detox – now it’s really a challenge!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shelly's cleanse days 2 and 3

Woot i'm feeling good today! I mean, I feel like myself, but that makes me very happy because I thought I'd feel pretty crappy today and I don't at all, just kind of normal. Yesterday on the other hand was not quite as good. I didn't wake up hungry, but I did have a pretty major stabby type headache most of the day increasing as the day went along. Today on the other hand, I awoke headache and pain free save a little discomfort in my back...kind of like the PMS backache, but it's not bothering me presently. I was even less hungry today. As a matter of fact I've only had the lemonade drink four times and it's evening now and I'm supposed to have at least six. I had heard that after the 3rd day the hunger subsides, then your body starts to look in other places, like fat cells, for energy and this is when those trapped toxins begin to release as well as flushing out some stored fat.
Last night I was searching iTunes for a meditation or podcast to listen to regarding cleansing/fasting and stumbled upon hearing Dr. Christine Breese as a guest speaker for a podcast called Alternative approaches to self-help and healing. I downloaded a podcast from the selection entitled "Vegetarianism and Fasting: Tools for Higher Consciousness in the Physical Body. The host of the show, Dr. Alvina Smith wasn't really my cup of tea, but her guest speaker Dr. Christine Breese was very insightful and in my opinion enlightened. She is the founder of the University of Metaphysical Science in California. I learned so much about what the body does during the stages of cleansing and most importantly about Alkaline vs. Acidic diets. If you are interested and have an hour, download it for free in iTunes.
Basically, alkaline foods are good for us and acid foods are not. Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So, no matter what means you choose to take care of yourself, it won't work until the pH level is balanced. If you aren't balanced, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and supplements. Alternatively, an acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer and aging. These things thrive in an unbalanced acid body. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH and oxygenates your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy and functioning correctly, preventing even cancer! You can buy litmus strips at a health food store and pee on it to find out your pH level. There are many links online for food charts that explain alkaline foods vs. acid foods. The good ones are the leafy greens, fruits and veggies and the bad ones are the processed crap we know we should not eat. Dr. Breese says if we can even get our routine of eating 70% alkaline foods we could maintain a healthy body.

Anyway, I'm not likely to move to a raw food diet, but I find myself increasingly happy about the food choices I have been making for the past year and a half and I know for certain I will be trying to eat less foods on the acid soon as I get to eat again.

xoxo Shelly

Food, Inc

I'm a foodie.

But more importantly, a conscious one. I like to know where my food comes from and how "happy" it was during its lifetime. I believe the closer a food is to its original form, the more fabulous it is for me. Therefore, very few packaged or processed foods find their way to my pantry.

I realize not everyone has this passion. However, I think that if the documentary 'Food, Inc.,' were mandatory viewing, more people would. So, I'm suggesting it for your next Netflix selection!

You'll look at dinner in a whole new way.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Shelly's cleanse day 1 of 10

Hello fellow detoxers. Today started my 10 day Master Cleanse and I almost hate to jinx myself, but it's been fairly easy so far. I quit coffee yesterday and my head hurt all day, but fortunately I had no headache today. My morning started off with the only hard part of the cleanse, the saltwater flush (SWF) and it was pretty brutal. You have to drink 32 oz. of water with 2 tsp of sea salt in minutes. I finally ended up standing in front of the bathroom mirror and chugging it as best I could and then switched to a fat straw in the back of my mouth so I didn't have to taste the salt. It took a good 2 hours to get the pipes flowing, but the flush does what it implies and I've felt great ever since. So far I've had four 10 oz. glasses of lemonade today with a pint of water after each. I will probably drink six of these per day but the diet allows up to twelve.
I've been a little slower paced, sort of mellow feeling all day, but definitely with no pain or hunger. I think the hardest part will be the SWF each morning and cooking dinner for my son. My husband was doing the cleanse all day with me, but he just broke at dinner. I guess I'll have him make our son's meals for the next week to ease the temptation. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and journaling my process.

xoxo Shelly

Well...I had a decaf coffee and a decaf diet coke today. I had salad for lunch and passed up cookies. That's ok right? I am trying. I don't have a headache yet. We will see. I really want to cut out even decaf diet coke. Oh.....and I'm going to after work birthday drinks and will sip on my seltzer with lime. :-) Hope you all have a successful weekend. Try and give updates if possible! xxoo liz

my sister my guide.

My 26 year old sister just celebrated her 3 year birthday with AA. The first time she tried getting sober she was 22 years old. She knew she had a problem, had hit her rock bottom, and was seeking help. After a week in the hospital (detoxing), she was released into the world with a fragile set of tools to start her new sober life. She relapsed 4 months later. She described hitting her second rock bottom as happening so fast it was like the years 15-22 packed into 2 months. She wouldn't go back there again. I have always adored my sister, but in the past 3 years she has been such an inspiration to me, there are really no words to describe how much I look up to her, rely on her for advice and wisdom, and needless to say, my sister has taught me a lot about detox. We spend many hours on the phone dissecting problems I have with friends, a boyfriend, now a husband, a family member, myself, and she always seems to know the right answer, the healthy way to deal with life. I went to an AA meeting with her once and was shocked to realize that the lessons learned in AA are lessons that every one of us can benefit from. We all have addictions in our life that manifest in different ways. I truly believe after knowing my sister that everyone of us has some sort of addiction. When I was trying to decide what to write about for this post, of course I immediately called my sister to discuss. I told her I felt like last year was kind of a detox year for me. I got married and merged a household. This in itself forces you to work as a team and de-clutter your life into a combined new life. It was liberating letting all that old crap go, and so rewarding to share my life with my husband, like having a clean slate. I also completely cut out social smoking. I had been smoking with girlfriends since I was 15. At the age of 32 I was regretting my choice the next morning every time. On a trip to Memphis with my husband, I saw a group of 40-something women and their husbands in the lobby of the Peabody. They were like us (but older) dressed up, drinking wine, having a night out on the town. The ladies all had their iphones and their Marlboro Lights. That's it! I decided. I do not want to be like that, and I'm heading down that path. I'm not all that far from 40 and I didn't want to be one of those women. My sister asked me, "what makes you unhappy about yourself". Apparently if you can answer that question you can start searching for the root cause and then start making a change. I decided the number 1 thing right now that made me unhappy was my lack of confidence. It's been a little daunting moving to a new place (from Birmingham to Austin) knowing no one, working from home, and trying to get my photography business re-vamped. I really related to Andrea's post about detoxifng the notion of failure and I have already started trying to implement her plan. It's definitely day by day, and this 30 degree weather isn't helping, but I know I can work on this and my sister will be there to support me 100%. I want to thank Ashley for inviting me to participate in this project. It could not have come at a better time. Bring on 2010!

I will leave you ladies with the serenity prayer (which I learned from my sister): God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Side note, my sister got married on December 27th at my parents home. What a young beautiful blushing bride; I am bias, but I think she lights up the world! You can see for yourself here:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We have lemons!

In the spirit of positivity I thought I'd give props to the hubs. These were freshly picked today from my husband's lemon tree. He just brought it in from the freeze b/c it's gettin' cold in Texas! I say he's not much of a veggie eater but he has quite the green thumb and keeps up an impressive herb and vegetable garden year round. We have broccoli that is doing surprisingly well right now - if it makes it through the current cold snap (is that just a Texas saying? It cracks me up). So I will make lemonade - how's that for fresh!?

Oh and here's a tip - if your man (or kids) don't like veggies, a garden is the perfect solution b/c they like to eat the fruits (and veggies) of their labor!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My "Want-to" is getting fixed!

Hey Ladies. I am so excited about this "One Month/One Change" experiment. I feel motivated and encouraged to make 2010 an amazingly successful year. I feel as though we are all battling similar issues and I look forward to learning from each of you. Hopefully I'll be able to add some enthusiasm to your journey as well. I truly believe accountability is a HUGE motivator.

As I was getting dangerously close to finishing a piece of furniture today-I found myself thinking about how I couldn't wait to blog about my successful day. Then later this afternoon, my sister and I were commissioned to do a piece for our county courthouse. I believe that this is just the first sign of the success we are ALL going to have this year. I am inspired by each of the posts that I have read and will be incorporating many of your ideas into my life as well- so thank you. I came across the article below earlier today and wanted to share it with you all. I personally love #5, #6 and #7. I hope you will enjoy it, too! Let's THRIVE!

10 Ways to Embrace Change

“Everything must change, nothing stays the same…”
These classic lyrics, originally penned and performed by musician/songwriter Bernard Ighner in 1974, serve as a simple reminder about an undeniable truth that all of us face: change. How we respond to change is a decision.
Here are 10 ways you can be proactive rather than reactive to changes in your life.
1. Forever curious! Discover new things daily.
Approach each day with the attitude that you are a life-long learner and there’s plenty of teachable moments available as long as you periodically shift your gaze from “on-the-screen/keyboard” to “up-down-and-all-around!”
Hint: keep a small journal of the interesting and unique things you discover in your look-up moments.
2. Seek creative soul food.
We need to feed our creativity and our capacity for innovation via participation in inspiring moments and things we find JOY in doing. Got a hobby?! Love art or nature?! Enjoy indie movies?! Whatever it is, find time to indulge in things that provide sustenance for your creative soul and tickle your brain.
3. Wanted: ENERGY!
You can’t avoid stories in the media about the importance of having good, personal health habits. Well it’s TRUE! In order to deal with upheaval in your life or manifest a dream into a reality, we need to prepare our mind and body for stressors we will face in life. So…eat right, drink plenty of water, get the rest you need, and find time to exercise at least 3 times per week for minimum of 20 minutes. Your body (and soul) will thank you!
4. Ain’t no mountain high enough!
Obstacles can become opportunities when approached with imagination, innovation, guile and determination. When life “triple-dog-dares-you,” accept the challenge, be willing to skin-your-knees and know that you possess the ability to overcome all things.
5. Hardhat required!
Success and positive results may be your hope and desire but they will not come overnight so pack a lunch and bring your hardhat! You need daily commitment, passion, intention, discipline, honest and real effort, patience and belief that hard work will be rewarded in time. You gotta trust the process and be committed to your dream.
6. Want-to!
Be sure to reaffirm your commitment (aka Want-to) to your goal or dream daily. As my grandfather would say: “You can’t accomplish anything in life with a broke Want-to!”
7. Expect and respect the unexpected.
Change happens. Get over it. Remember: You were tremendously resilient as a child and you still have the capacity to be that way. You do possess an ability to be resourceful; it’s one of our human wonders. Prepare for change. Expect it. And expect that the unexpected will appear too!
8. Seize 86,400
A day is comprised of 86,400 seconds which equates to 86,400 opportunities to move closer to your goal or dream. They are precious seconds, valuable ticks, abundant chances. Your choice on how you use ‘em!
9. Got BFFs?!
Be proactive and utilize the myriad of ways to network! With the proliferation of social media tools and the tried-and-true old-school human network, there’s many ways to build personal contacts that can serve as connectors, encouragers and catalysts for you.
10. Play!
Value play’s ability to keep your mind sharp, agile and open to unpredictable moments. The beauty about play is that the lessons we learned in childhood remain valuable our entire life: communication, problem-solving, ingenuity, innovation, resourcefulness, collaboration, teamwork and creativity (and many other useful skills to enhance our human potential)
Learning how to use tools and resources to face an uncomfortable moment, personal upheaval or a professional change in a positive way, is an absolute necessity for these 21st century times. Let’s choose to thrive!

OK. I am in love with this blog. I have been waiting to post my detox plan because I have really been thinking about what I need to do. I don’t eat too much fried foods or sweets…I don’t smoke…I don’t do drugs…I’m married so I don’t have sex with random men…so what’s my poison? Pinot grigio and diet coke. 2 things that make me happier than just about anything else in the world. If I had to choose between my right arm and these beverages, it would be a very hard choice. :-) I discussed this with the hubs and he is on board as well. We are going to do it together. We are going to cut out alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, and sugars. Only decaf bevs, natural foods, and nothing processed. We are going to start Friday and see how long we go. Hopefully it will become a lifelong change!

As I sit here sipping on my diet coke I have to say that this blog is going to be so great for us. We will help each other with encouraging words and it will be a great way to keep in touch. I salute you all on our 1 month 1 change journey. I can really say that I am looking forward to the withdrawal headache that I will have all weekend. xx

A Dedication

Yesterday, B sent me my 2010 hororscope which included some interesting predictions:
*As a whole the 2010 year of white Tiger is a favorable time for exchanging experience, ideas and plans.
*The relations with your friends will be affable and stable.
*This year Leos may start an affair with a person senior than you and/or public, authoritative, even with a famous one.  (huh???)

Aside from the last one, I don't think this horoscope could be any more appropriate for what we have embarked on this year.  I came up with the idea of this blog a couple of months ago as a personal journey I wanted to take and document in the new year.  As I started working out the particulars, I realized that this was a project way better suited for a group of friends.  When I moved to NYC over 10 years ago, I was blessed to befriend an amazing group of talented girls.  Over the years some of us have moved away, gotten married, had kids, etc, BUT we have still remained very close.  I thought this would be the perfect outlet for us to unite despite our distance.  I am so grateful for having these girls in my life.  They are the inspiration of this Blog and are a huge part of making it a reality.  Since leaving NY and moving back to Austin, I have made some new friends and reconnected with old ones that I find inspiring.  Friendship between women is not something to be taken for granted and I am so fortunate to have made these new friends and I wanted them to be a part of this project as well.  So here we are: 1 month, 1 change.  Just from the posts that have gone up in the last few days, I can tell this is going to exceed everything I had hoped it would achieve.  I am beyond insprired.  I am rethinking and revamping my own goals for this month, as I think we all are. 
We have an exciting road ahead of us...

Dedicated to:
MBM, Jen*, Shelly, Jen, Liz and (not pictured) LA

Speaking of detox...

I was just minding my own business, purising my google reader and came across this article. It seems relevant to our theme this month so I thought I would share. Kinda scary all the toxic chemicals we come in contact with daily.

Side note: my friend Christen just started this Ecossetial's blog a few days ago.

Conscious Language

I'm not big on books. They take up more time than I typically have.

Conscious Language by Robert Tennyson Stevens, however, has me hooked.

If I was asked to recommend one read for everyone, this book is it! We rarely realize how powerful our own language is--to ourselves and others. After reading Conscious Language, you'll definitely see how "word detox" is detrimental for mind and body alike.

The corners on my copy are badly bent but in a good way.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Breakouts and the bigger picture.

I woke up this morning with a monstrous pimple in the middle of my face.

I’ve never had the type of skin that could be compared to a teenager’s—not even when I was a teenager. But this is the kind of blemish you’d be banished for back in high school. At 33, I’m well beyond any embarrassment similarly suffered those four years, and I also have much better makeup.

At any rate, what does my zit have to do with detox? Simple: it’s a sign!

These physical signs manifest in many ways, and most of the time, go ignored. For me, it’s a dull headache after a draining discussion with my dad, sleepiness from scarfing down several cupcakes, shoulder pain from a shouting match with my man, or sensitive skin from a stressful holiday season. Personally, I support that all somatic symptoms are a result of a more pronounced emotional, psychological, or spiritual “problem.” Even pimples.

I’ve become a bit of an expert on traditional body detoxification, not only because I dated a holistic healer at one point, but because I’ve faced a variety ailments that forced me to look everywhere for answers—which were always found within.

Detoxing, in my opinion, is a daily practice.

It’s taking in all the stresses and situations of the day, seeing the symptoms, and releasing what is not a part of your life’s primary path. Phew.

This isn’t actually the first time I’ve suffered a skin condition in my 30s. I woke up Easter day in ‘06 with red, itchy skin mysteriously masking my face. For the next year and a half, I only left the house when I had to. I altered my diet, did a vitamin c drip, stopped birth control pills, cringed during a colonic, cleared my soul, master cleansed countless times, cried into my pillow, popped supplements, balanced chakras, and everything in between.

But the best body detox back then was breaking up with a boyfriend who was bad for me—the painful symptoms suddenly ceased. Like magic, the “mask” was gone.

My detox “program” not only for the month, but for my lifetime, is a holistic one. While I’m resolved to drink a ton more water, shrink sugar intake, and steer clear of carbs, I am more importantly balancing the emotions and bad energies that bring about blemishes.

So Fresh & So Clean Clean

As I sit here with my nightcap (crap it’s only Tuesday) and start to blog about my detox of choice, alcohol does not top the list (however negativity should – good one Traci!) I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl just 11 and a half weeks ago and am nursing now so alcohol is more of a “do” than a “don’t.” Or at lest a “try to.” She is finally sleeping through the night (sort of, 4am – I’ll take it) so after bedtime I’m allowed one. Now if only I could get her to take a bottle I’d be allowed two…or three . So for my detox I’ll go with a junk food ban - fast food, frozen food, food in small packages, quick, easy, on the go, garbage food - goodbye!

Typically it wouldn’t be that hard – I LOVE healthy food. I would choose the healthier option every time given the chance. The problem is I’m never given the chance. I live in the fattest state in America, sorry Texas but it’s so true, tortillas are one of the food groups here! Our house is in the middle of nowhere so I’m constantly driving an extra hour just to get to and from town and the healthy food stores are all the way on the other side of town. Within a 15-mile radius of my house are a gas station, taco stand and a McDonalds. I hate McDonalds – prior to my Texas move it was a dirty word in my vocab but now, being the only option, I get a large fry to split with my son, Hunter, at least once a week. It killed me the other day when we passed McDs and he said "mmmm McDonas." I try to cook a well-balanced meal every night but the hubs thinks the lettuce on his taco takes care of his vegetable category and Hunter wants macaroni and cheese every night (he doesn’t get it) so my support system is lacking.

As soon as I decided on my topic I went straight to the market and not the computer – so my entry is a little late but I’ve been working on it all day – in the kitchen! I have to seize the moment when I can; seriously I do not know where the time goes. So I’ve had a little time today and I’m making big batches of things to eat throughout the week. If I happen to get some of it into my son, who is two, and my husband, who acts like he’s two (did I mention a negativity cleanse would be good too?), well then that’s an added bonus. The week’s menu includes a lemon, rosemary pasta salad, black bean and corn salad, fruit salad for breakfast and I grabbed some raw almonds for snacks. I’ll be scouring the cooking sites for more of these types of things for the rest of the month.

This month I vow to make all my meals fresh – no drive through, no micro meals and no snack packs. I’m thrilled!

The Master Cleanse a/k/a The Lemonade Diet

Hello 2010! (pronouced twenty ten)
First off let me say how grateful I am to be included in this terrific blog idea to help us support one another and achieve our goals throughout the year; some goals we may not even know we had and others we can create as the year goes along. In the past, I've been pretty good about making my resolutions, but this year I was sort of feeling like I didn't have anything I needed to change, but I kept going back to "yeah right" and thinking harder and longer. When the theme of Detox was named for January, I immediately thought I'd cut out alcohol for the month (mama loves her Mama Juice when the kid goes to bed), but I decided to take it a step further. I'm going to attempt the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet (made popular by Beyonce before dropping a stone for Dream Girls). This is done primarily to rid the body of toxins, but of course can be a reduction diet as well. In most overweight people a significant amount can be lost, but in people such as myself, a vegetarian with regulated body weight, the weight loss should be minimal and only the bad stuff goes, not the good (although I do hope to lose the post-holiday bloat). This is my first ever cleanse and this particular one lasts 10 days, not including the ease-in phase and most important easing out. I plan to begin on January 8th after two days of "easing in" beginning tomorrow by eating only raw fruits and vegetables, salad and nuts and the next day only fruit and vegetable juices. I have purchased the Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs and am going "by the book" and have been reading from the official online site where much discussion and support is available. I will check in as the week progresses and let you know how I'm feeling, or who i've flipped out on and maybe even snap a few pics of my waisteline ;-) Wish me luck!

xo Shelly

Detoxifying My Notion of Failure

The Toxic Notion of Failure

Initially, I believed that the topic for January's theme of "Detox" for "One Month/One Change" would be an easy decision for me. First, I thought "I can start watching my diet more carefully." -And I do intend to make more careful choices of the foods that I consume (ie..cut out my dependence on IBC Rootbeer, Totino's Pizza, or Allsups' Chimmichangas to name just a few) but, I have made that same declaration every month of every year since I was 14.....I can surely dig deeper than that! Then I thought-"I can stop drinking alcohol"-(but, I rarely drink anymore, and on the rare occasion that I do have a drink, it is well deserved, much enjoyed ***and nothing washes down dust from sanding old furniture or the fierce smell of polyurethane like an ice-cold Mexican beer). How bout' "Completely stop smoking-for good this time"? (I AM gearing up for this one-and it WILL happen in 2010) or what about "Ridding myself of all of the negative people in my life"? (I pretty much did that already by moving way out to West Texas last year.) Whewwww!
The ideas continued and each one was just as easily shot down or justified as the one before.....

Then I decided that if I am going to attempt this blog thing-I want a BIG challenge. "What is it that bothers me the most about myself? What do I agonize privately about the very most? What do I think holds me back from having the amazing life that I dream of? What is 'toxic' in me????"

According to Wikipedia: "Failure refers to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success." So, I decided that I am going to attempt to "detox" myself of my ever-present notion of failure. I often think "I am a failure academically. I failed in making responsible choices in my life. I am often lonely because of my failure of being a dependable friend. I don't have a significant other because of my relationship failures. Because of my poor career decisions, I am a financial failure. I'm not a size 4 because of my diet failures".......I could go on and on...but, I'll stop here for now.

I am DONE feeling like a failure. I want to replace all of the toxic thoughts of failure with sincere hope and determination to have an AMAZING life story and I truly hope that it begins NOW!

I will not tell myself that "it's too late, I'm too old, I'm not talented enough, or that I don't deserve greatness".
I will not continue to tell myself that "I can't do some things" because they didn't work out the first time.
I will try every day to be a much better friend, sister, daughter, and aunt.
I will start searching for an amazing job because I am an awesome asset to a great company.
I will take full responsibility for my emotional, physical, and financial success.

Mary Pickford once said "Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down."

I refuse to "stay down". I refuse to keep these toxic ideas about myself on constant repeat in my brain. I rebuke failure!