Friday, April 9, 2010

Two Things

Okay I want to backtrack for a moment...

As I've mentioned I am in grad school to change my career from pr to becoming a therapist. I'm just in an intro class but I'm learning a ton because they go over the entire field in small increments. Well...this week was marriage and family counseling and I was turned on to John Gottman a psychologist known for his work with marriages and relationships. And in celebration of upcoming weddings, newlyweds and just fellow married blogstresses, I wanted to share his Seven Principals of Making Marriage Work with you all. Also this site: The Art of Love & Intimacy has some great articles on making your marriage stronger.

& Money:
Now back on topic, you all should sign up on It's an amazing help for people who get really lost when it's time to budget. It categorizes your spending, send you reminders of payments and lays your debt to income, net worth, etc. out for you in a really easy format...all free. Do it.

1 comment:

  1. I also have the Gottman book. It's great, but it is hard work on the part of both spouses. One can not do it alone.
    I also have an account with and iPhone application with Mint. It is very handy although I don't feel like it is always up to date without numerous refreshing. I also really like Quicken Intuit for home budgeting. Really helps put the spending in perspective. Especially my wine :-)
