I am finally chiming in on this detox topic. It took me a while to figure out what my detox would be. I believe in fueling my body with healthy food. I barely drink, I get plenty of rest. I drink lots of water. I am detoxing myself from my gym routine. It sounds weird but, it was a habit that was hard for me to break.
For the month of January I stopped my daily run & gym routine and joined The Dailey Method which is a combination of ballet, Pilates, core and yoga. The staff said I should see results by the end of the month. After the first class I certainly felt results! When I had my last physical, my MD suggested adding yoga to my overall fitness plan (cardio & weights). He said if I bend now, I won't break in the future.
My plan is to give the The Dailey Method a try 5 days a week for a month. So far so good. Happy New Year Everyone! xox MBM
Mel you'll be great at this! It looks nice. I wish we had a studio in Nashville. Have fun :-)